¿Qué es la osteopatía y cuáles son sus beneficios?
La osteopatía está orientada en la mejora de la salud holística de los pacientes como principal objetivo para abordar muchos de los problemas muscu...
These are difficult times for companies, especially those that provide services to a tourism sector that has been severely depleted by the current pandemic. However, our Salou Medical Center it is consolidating itself as a benchmark in private or mutual medicine and as a center for the recognition of drivers, weapons, certificates for sailing, private security and for owners of potentially dangerous animals.
The increase in sports practice in the population is giving great importance to the sports medicine, resulting in an increase in requests for sports medical check-ups and stress tests. We also carry out medical examinations for certifications of fitness for diving and underwater activities, as well as carrying out medical certificates for different competitions and taxi licenses.
We have recently incorporated ultrasound as a diagnostic imaging technique. This tool provides us with greater efficiency in day-to-day medical emergencies and in the diagnosis and treatment of sports-related injuries. Pulmonary ultrasound has proven to be the most useful tool for the diagnosis of pulmonary lesions due to covid-19 disease, due to its speed and enormous sensitivity, forming part of the diagnostic and treatment algorithms.
We also carry out rapid tests for IgG and IgM antibodies and take samples for P.C.R. for Covid 19 in our medical center, giving a very quick response to the concerns of our clients
La osteopatía está orientada en la mejora de la salud holística de los pacientes como principal objetivo para abordar muchos de los problemas muscu...
Antes de viajar compruebe que lleva suficiente medicación para todas sus vacaciones y posibles imprevistos. Aquí le damos unos consejos para viajar ...
La “otitis del nadador” es realmente una otitis externa y consiste en la infección del conducto auditivo que es el que transporta el sonido desde...
- Hace días que me duele la garganta y el médico no me ha querido recetar ningún antibiótico. - Sí, no me extraña, últimamente só...
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